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Dear Colleagues

The European Pancreatic Club in 2021 celebrates its 53rd Annual Meeting that attracts over 600 delegates from 22 countries, consisting of pancreatic specialists, among them surgeons, endoscopists, gas­troenterologists, oncologists, endocrinologists, pathologists, neuroendocrine doctors and scientists. The 53rd meeting will be a particularly special opportunity to promote communication between basic and clinical scientists in Europe interested in the pancreas and its disorders. The official language of the meeting is English.

This would have been the first time for the meeting to be held in Verona, a UNESCO world heritage site with more than two thousand years of history nestled in northern wine country at the foot of the Dolomiti Mountains and coddled by the meandering curves of the Adige river. Unfortunately, the ongoing Covid situation necessitates a virtual conference for 2021. The 2020 Paris virtual meeting was a great success, and we hope to continue on those lines in the other romantic European city, which is the home of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, and while in 2021 we cannot welcome you here, there is always an open invitation to all EPC members to visit us.

The organizing committee has put together an exciting program that consists of keynote lectures providing an overview of developments in the field of pancreatology from microbiota to artificial intelligence. Multidisciplinary thematic symposia will focus on pancreatic cancer, neuroendocrine tumours, cystic lesions, and pancreatitis. Advances in precision medicine for pancreatic tumours will be discussed as part of complete cancer care including psychology and palliative care.

The symposia will be integrated with oral abstract presentations and poster sessions, covering many different aspects of pancreatic biology and disease.

This year’s program is a basic science program while never losing sight of the clinical applications and so we are proud that our pre-meeting basic science workshop will focus on new models for therapeutic selection.

Aldo Scarpa
EPC President


Abstract submission
The abstract submission is closed

Early bird registration fee
Friday, April 30, 2021

Tentative notification to Authors
Monday, February 22, 2021